to aas

We understand that an internationally mobile life does not always fit with an academic calendar, so we accept admissions throughout the whole school year.

Although we would much rather have the opportunity to show you around our beautiful campus in person and let you see our school in action, we are pleased to be able to offer you an online experience in case you are not able to visit us.

The Admissions

The AAS school year runs from the fourth Wednesday in August to the third week in June.
Whilst applications are accepted throughout the school year, admissions for Pre-kindergarten is generally restricted to September and January.

The school may also not accept admission for any grade after the beginning of May.
In all cases, the needs and interests of the children already enrolled in the class will be taken into
account as well as the needs of the applicant and places can only be offered if space allows.

  • Step 1. Prepare Documents

    Application for Admission is via our online application system.
    Before beginning the application be sure to have the following ready so they can be uploaded or inputted:

    • A recent photo of the student – in JPG form.
    • Passport details of the student and both parents or guardians.
    • Latest end-of-year progress reports – in separate PDF files.
    • Previous years progress reports – in separate PDF files.
    • Email addresses of homeroom teacher (preschool – grade 5) and English, Maths, Counselor/Principal (grades 6-12)
    • Special Needs Documentation
      If an applicant has had any form of learning support for academic/behavioral/emotional or social needs, parents must include all pertinent records, including individual educational plans, related services, educational psychologist assessments, and/or any other relevant assessments as part of the application package.In all cases, the needs and interests of the children already enrolled in the class will be taken into
      account as well as the needs of the applicant and places can only be offered if space allows.
  • Step 2. Complete Online Application

    The AAS uses an online system for the handling of all new applications.

    • Applications will only be reviewed after all completed documents have been received by the school.
    • All student records should be officially translated into English.
    • The admission procedure may require placement tests and/or interviews.

    Admissions decisions are based on the individual applicant’s needs and qualifications, general availability of places and the school’s efforts to enroll a well-balanced and diverse class. The school reserves the right to deny admittance to students who do not fulfill the school requirements or to those whose admission assessments indicate learning needs for which the school does not have adequate resources.

  • Step 3. Application Decision

    When we receive your completed online application and all the required documents, your child’s file will wait to be reviewed by the Principal of the relevant division (Elementary, Middle/High School). Please note, reviews will be conducted in order of our eligibility criteria and, if you apply early for the following school year, this review might not take place until the March or April. The Principal and other members of the educational team review the file and make the final decision on acceptance.

    We recognise that waiting for a response from a school is uncomfortable – as such, if you have been told that your application has been sent for review and
    you haven’t had a decision within 4 weeks, please call (+359 2 923 8810) or

    We are aware of the urgency families feel about finding the right school for their children and we work hard to admit students in as timely fashion as possible, however at particularly busy times delays may be inevitable.

  • Step 4. Offer of a Place

    Once an admissions decision has been reached, we will inform you of the decision via an official email. If your child has been accepted, you will be asked to confirm our offer of acceptance within five working days.

    If your application has been approved but is in the wait pool, you will also be informed, but a formal offer will not be sent at this point. Please be aware that spaces open up for many reasons and it is difficult to predict the timing of when space might become available We will, however, contact you immediately if a place becomes available.

Virtual Admissions

Although we would much rather have the opportunity to show you around our beautiful campus in person and let you see our school in action, we are pleased to be able to offer you an online experience in case you are not able to visit us.

We hope that the information you find here – and throughout our website – will help give you an insight into the AAS community and the range of experiences that our students benefit from every day at AAS.

You can reach us by phone or email +359 2 923 8822 or

We look forward to connecting with you and helping you choose the right school for your child.

Tuition & Fees

Investing in your in your child’s education is an investment in their future and we take our responsibility in that journey very seriously.

When you choose to invest in an AAS education, you are choosing to offer your child a dynamic academic environment where students are known, challenged, and inspired. A truly international experience where students experience invaluable opportunities to connect with their community and earn the confidence to share their voice.
Whether you will be with us for just a couple of years, or for the whole of your child’s school life, there is genuine long term value in choosing AAS – a school that invests as much in your student’s future as you do.

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The heart of our approach to learning is an emphasis on and appreciation for the whole child.

Our formal curriculum is anchored in standards from our Pre-Kindergarten program through the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, with an emphasis on inquiry, concept-based, and experiential learning.

Through a variety of hands-on and minds-on experiences we foster each student’s natural curiosity about the world around them and nurture a spirit of global citizenship.

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AAS offers two distinct ways of financial support for its students:

A full academic scholarship for Bulgarian students after grades 7 and 8, who are currently not studying at the school.

Financial Assistance Program available for current AAS families who have experienced an unexpected financial hardship and require temporary financial assistance. Families must meet the eligibility criteria and successfully complete the application process.

Decisions regarding financial assistance are made by a committee composed of representatives from the AAS Board and the AAS Administration

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