Elementary After
School Activities
Physical Education (PE)
At AAS we recognise the importance of physical activity, sport and movement as an essential part of the education of young children, building fitness, stamina and strength and developing skills and a positive attitude to make students aware of the benefits of physical activity for health and recreation during a lifetime
The main focus of the Elementary School Physical Education program is to keep the students active, build knowledge, skills and positive attitude and make students aware of the benefits of physical activity for health and recreation during a lifetime. The acquisition of basic movement patterns and fundamental skills in the lower elementary school plays a leading role in the upper elementary later when introducing most of the major sports.
The program is designed to provide challenges and meet the unique needs of a specific age group through a variety of activities.
Our team of Elementary PE specialists take each class for at least 2 physical activity sessions per week.
AAS has excellent sports facilities and Elementary PE takes place in the large dedicated gym which includes a climbing wall or outside on
the big sports field.
As well as timetabled Physical Education lessons, the children spend their recess time outside where they have access at least 6 playgrounds and equipment for their use. The benefits of fresh air and outdoors free play for young children are well documented and the use of the amazing campus and excellent facilities is actively encouraged, with playtime being outside in all but the most extreme weathers.
Welcome to AAS Elementary after schools activities. We are providing your child with the opportunity to learn and develop skills in creativity clubs,dance, sports and many more. Activities in ES are provided mostly by outside vendors and therefore there is additional fees for participation.
Students will have the opportunity to sign up for different activities every trimester.