Our senior IB Theatre students reached a significant milestone this week with the completion of their externally assessed Research Presentations. …
What Superhero would you like to be?
I’ve never been a fan of comic books. But as a kid, my favorite tv show was the Super Friends. I looked forward to tuning in each Saturday morning to watch Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, and their super hero friends battle super villains from the Legion of Doom. I was always especially happy when Flash had a main role in an episode. (For those of you who know the series well, I was never much of a fan of Wendy, Marvin, the Wonder Twins, or Gleek.) The Super Friends super heroes are a product of D.C. Comics. They were easy to like and root for because they never did anything wrong. They made mistakes sometimes, but they were never mean and always did what was right. They were perfect. They fought villains who were equally perfect at always being bad. …
Welcoming New Families to the Community
Our Transitions Counselor Ms. Giosh-Markov spoke to Grade 1 students about welcoming newcomers in the community….
Drawing from Nature
Grade 4 practice Art and Social Distancing
ES Art teacher Ms. Mariangela found a creative way to teach Art while practicing social distancing….
New Scholarships were Awarded
The Scholarship committee is happy to announce that two new Scholarship students were selected in June and they will both join grade 8….