See some beautiful places around Bulgaria that you can explore during the upcoming holidays….
Grade 1 Visit Municipal Recycling and Composting Facilities
Kindergarten Field Trips
Teacher Spotlight: Kat Harjula
Get to know our Grade 1 Teacher, dog lover, and brave motorcycle adventurer – Ms. Kat Harjula. …
Kindergarten and Grade 6 Collaboration
Grade 1 Visit to ”Blagichka” Zero Waste
Pre-K go to Vitosha Mountain
Students Create a Bulgarian Holidays Calendar
The Selective University Myth*
Every year, organizations like U.S. News and Forbes publish their University rankings. Every year, universities like Harvard and Princeton come out on top, simultaneously ranked as the most selective schools. There is an inherent attraction to these highly selective schools. These are world-renowned institutes that ensure access to the global elite, the highly privileged. They also include a hefty price tag and incalculable years of strife and struggle for students who wish to gain admission. It cannot be argued that receiving a degree from these institutions doesn’t bring prestige. The mere names of these institutes on a resume can garner interviews and open doors like magic. But is it worth it? The answer may surprise you….
Grade 1 Reflect on Their Environmental Impact
IB Visual Arts Exhibition
Teacher Spotlight: Vera Molova
This month’s ‘Teacher Spotlight’ presents our energetic and artistic dance teacher Ms. Vera Molova….